Profile number 102735
19/03/2021 Date added
Located in
Central Spain
Also interesting for this region (s)
Retail food
Type of company
Grocery store / food market
Legal entity
Private limited company
Type of transaction
Life phase enterprise
Employees in FTE
< 5
Type of buyer
Turnover last financial year
€ 500.000 - € 1.000.000
Asking price
€ 0 - € 100.000
Earnings before taxes
€ 0 - € 100.000
Moderno supermercado con 31 años de existencia, bajo alquiler, coste reducido de luz.
Distribucion al por menor de productos alimenticios.
Supermercado de próximidad
Interesado en inversion o en su defecto en traspaso de negocio.